June 16, 2012

Let's Pizza vending machine Pizza, typical of Italy

If you order a pizza from delivery order may still feels slow for you, then you need to try this one out vending machines. What?? vending machine pizza?? Yes, indeed they are, these machines so it is new, if we've known in recent times vending machines that only sells products such as fresh fruit, soft drink, or newspaper, then this time the pizza was already penetrated into vending machines that often we find on the street.

Reportedly this machine will begin to operate in the United States some time again. Typical Italian pizza maker from Netherlands named Claudio Torghel is working with A1 Concepts to develop distributors vending machine pizza that will provide your favorite pizza in a short time.
This Pizza would be ready with a good aroma reportedly are typical within one to two minutes per serving.

Ronald Rammers from A1 Concepts explained that vending machines are provided various basic ingredients such as flour pizza maker, and mineral water. So at the moment you order one plate of pizza, then this machine will begin make adonannya to decorate cooked and topped with tomato sauce and organic herbs and other specials.

For the price, this pizza is affordable, because for the pizza size of 10.5 inches, you simply pay it with a banderolan price of about $ 5.95. Hmm, how?? So curious as it feels like huh?? For more details You can see the workings of these machines through the video below.

Arif s.Driessen is the Editorial, Lifestyle, for Digital Works @ The Driessen Post.

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