NASA managed to Invent a Robot spacecraft, a provider of Food and oxygen

Robotic Garden is the creation of several students from the University of Colorado and Colorado State University sponsored by NASA. The development of this robot is aimed at creating a robot that can support the lives of the astronauts in space.
Currently, the Robotic Garden is indeed still a prototype and will continue to be developed. The students are hoping, as this has been completed, the robot this robot is capable of generating a wide variety of plants that can be made into food by the astronauts.
The existence of such plant, indirectly this robot also became the source of production of oxygen for the astronauts.
The creators of this robot was trying as much as possible so that the robot can work in extreme environments such as in outer space. Therefore, they have developed a system that has four main functions, namely, monitoring the development of nursery plants, harvesting and processing of remains of plants to be processed again.
Then, how much it costs required for the research and development of this robot? NASA party willing to spend money for $ 40 thousand USD for students. With the funds earmarked for it, NASA hopes that the project is completed and the robot can work in accordance with the expected.
Arif s.Driessen is the Editorial, Lifestyle, for Digital Works @ The Driessen Post.