August 9, 2012

London 2012 Canoe Slalom: How Fast Is Your Canoe Paddle?


2012 London Olympic Slalom Canoe slalom canoe or branch of a Google logo theme of this day. Canoe paddle slalom requires speed, control and precision against the flow of water. Similar to river rafting.

Canoe slalom is a sport adrenaline boosters that aims to control a canoe or kayak through the goal set above the river in the shortest possible time.
This is one of a class of two types of canoe race at the Olympics.

Another class of sprint canoe. There is also Wildwater canoeing, but not competed in the Olympics.
Canoe slalom racing began in Europe in the 1940s, the International Canoe Federation (ICF) was formed to regulate and supervise the exercise of this canoe.

The first world championship was held in 1949 in Switzerland. Olympic Canoe Slalom timed. Participants have to track down the specific river that has been provided. There is a maximum of 25 gates that must be passed. Red indicates the upper gate, while the green gate sign of the downstream.

Touching the gate causes the addition of a time penalty of two seconds. While not through one gate will be given additional time of 50 seconds penalty.
The time needed to mencpai the finish line (in seconds) will be added to the penalty collected to assess the final score.

Arif s.Driessen is the Editorial, Lifestyle, for Digital Works @ The Driessen Post.

2 Responses so far

  1. thankyou for your comment :)

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