A company from the Netherlands named Mars one, plan to send humans to Mars. The plan, according to the company will be held at the sent four people 2023 to the red planet.

In the official website, the Mars One says that the entire population of the world can look and supports the entire process of delivery. From the electoral process, team training and preparation process until the process of observation when the team has got to the planet Mars.
Maybe for some people, this mission will be heard as a mission the Mission of hoax or nonsense. Currently there are currently various plans to send humans to Mars. But none worked. Many scientists argue that the journey to send humans to Mars is something that is possible.
One of the scientists who argue it is a winner of the Nobel Prize in physics named Gerard 't Hooft. However, the trip must travel one direction. NASA'S own party is less convinced by the opinion of scientists. They question the ability of survival on the planet. What is the difference between the amount of radiation on Mars to Earth.
Arif s.Driessen is the Editorial, Lifestyle, for Digital Works @ The Driessen Post.