A mouse is even smarter than Google, according to the researchers the intelligence Josh Tenenbaum and Yann LeCun. Both spoke at the World Science Festival in New York, after the release of "The Creator: Alan Turing and the Future of Thinking Machines". A short film about the legendary computer scientist Alan Turing, as reported by on msnbc.msn.com.
The free galaxies that we know as Google is brilliant in every way. He can give information, word derives, and responding to almost all kinds of questions. "It was just learning to memorize, but there is no understanding," said LeCun, a Professor of computer science and Neuroscience at the University of New York.
In terms of computational ability, even the most powerful computer in the world can only approach the intelligence of an insect, by Tenenbaum. "I will be happy in life, if it could build a machine as intelligent as rats," he asserts.
To some extent, Google looks amazing, like giving driving directions right quickly. It just uses the basic types of intelligence called planning simple. "It's very easy," added Tenenbaum, a Professor of computer science computing at MIT.
Intelligence is real, not just memorize, but also use what you learn to know the situation you've never experienced, based on exposure Josh Tenenbaum and Yann LeCun.
"If you watch the film, you'll see the images you've never seen before. You may not know anything about the life of this character, "says Tenenbaum on The short film Creator, a short film by AI + AI, an award-winning filmmaker United Kingdom.
"This is the context of the entire intelligence communications. Getting data from other people just from memory they say and you say back. That's the heart of human intelligence, "explains Tenenbaum.
The second Professor is nowhere near that. LeCun, for example, is experimenting with a robot driving trying to identify objects in the vicinity. He showed a video of what robots see-how to label an object like humans, trees and the road. This usually makes them true, but often refers to the tree people, a patch of water impurities, a light pole building.
Describes the size of the human brain LeCun based on recent studies, though still very rough. His estimate: 100 billion neurons make 1,000 to 10,000 connections with other neurons and the connections using 100 to 1,000 times per second (high enough). In fact, it may reach trillions of operations and it happens every second at the head of each person.
If Google is as intelligent as such is believed to be a lot of people? Please find the answer ...
Arif s.Driessen is the Editorial, Lifestyle, for Digital Works @ The Driessen Post.